Monday, January 12, 2009

Lesson 3: The Celtic Warrior

1. Define "warrior".
A warrior is someone who has the ability to stand up for what is right -- either for defense of something or to change something -- and does it. The manner of "fighting," though, can take many forms and isn't limited to physical conflict.

2. What do you understand to be the role of a warrior in Celtic society? What about female warriors?
Warriors in Celtic society, as in any other society, are responsible to defend society. In the United States, part of the oath servicemembers take says something like "defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic." That, to me, is the role of a warrior in any society. I also believe that females were not just limited to the home-front since there are warrior Goddesses and legends about women fighting. All legends and myths have some basis in truth.

3. What is yor preception of a warrori woman?
I think it takes more "guts" to be a women warrior because current society seems to think women should not be activists of any sort. Society assumes that a passionate woman is either PMSing or being too emotional.

4. How does the warrior aspect of yourself fit in with other expressions of your Celtic Paganism?
Since I feel that all members of society are to show some "warrior aspects," I look at it as just another role I occasionally need to take on. I believe that if I see a wrong -- and I have the means to prevent it or change it -- I am required to do so. While that may not be a popular belief, it's one that I personally wish more people held.

5. Do you feel it is necessary to be a warrior to be involved with Celtic woman's spirituality? Why or why not?
Yes, I believe it's important to be able to stand up (and fight) for your beliefs. I believe that it's necessary to be a warrior to be a complete human.

6. Have you ever felt like a warrior in your life? If so, when?
I spent seven years as active-duty military. You don't get much more "Warrior" then that. That experience aside, I have fought for my daughter when her biological father and I were going through a divorce. In fact, fighting for any member of my family isn't unusual.

7. Have you ever felt that using your warrior self was not the feminine thing to do? When and why?
No, not really. I believe that it is every person's responsibility to stand up for what is right and to change what is wrong.

8. Do you allow others to control you too often, or do you often contorl others? How would your warrior self affect these spects, both positively and negatively?
I'm not sure. I think I am usually level-headed enough to hear various sides of the story before I rush to change things. I'm also a planner, so I try to think things through. In my opinion, both of those are important "warrior" qualities. There's never been a successful general who didn't listen to his advisors.

9. Do you use common sense in your daily life, or do you rely too often on only magickal protections?
I believe I use much more common sense then I do magick. I usually think of magick as a last resort when all my other ideas have failed.

10. Who relies on your protection and good judgement?
For starters, I have a 15 year-old daughter and a 21-year-old step-daughter. My husband has had multiple back surgeries and his on disability. All three of them depend on me in some respect. I'm also active in some service organizations (and by active, I mean on the "board of directors"), so the membership of those groups, as well as the people that board supports, are dependent on my judgement. In the work-place, my clients depend on me to steer them in the right direction since most of them have little to no web building or internet marketing experience. Finally, I suppose anyone who comes to me with a problem and asks my advice would depend on my good judgement. (OH, I have three cats and three dogs who obviously depend on me for protection and, while they may not be who you intended with this question, it doesn't change the answer!)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Entering the Sheila-Na-Gig

1. For each element, you had to cross an obstical. Explain how you crosed to the caulrdron for each element.
For Earth: I walked. There was soft, cold, dirt "squishing" between my toes. I imagined my stone was in hand, and the scent of wildflowers filled my nostrils.
For Air: I used my Athame and I cut the air, allowing me safe passage to where I needed and wanted to be.
For Fire: This one was done in a blaze. I could feel the heat and see the beauty of the flames. It was an instant, as if riding on the flame itself.
For Water: This was a small canoe. I pictured myself at a lake I used to go to when I was growing up.

2. What messages were revealed to you, and what was the personal message you obtained?
The largest, most important message I got was that the past, present, and future are so intertwined. Everything is related. But I need to remember to take time for me in order to make my mark on the world -- the mark I was put here TO make.

3. Journal your experiance, thoughts and feelings for this ritual.
I enjoyed this ritual. I liked the calm that it inspired in me. I will admit that I had to try it multiple times as I kept falling asleep! Overall, though, I learned to relax. I learned that it's ok --and really, absolutely necessary -- to take things slow once in awhile.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Celtic Traditions paper

You are to reaserch all of the following traditions in the Celtic Path. Explain and compare the different branches of:

* Irish
* Scottish
* Welsh
* Gaulish
* Druidism
* Bards
* Faery

This was a difficult assignment in part because of the lack of information that still exists from ancient times. Let me start by defining the terms you've selected.

Celtic is an umbrella word. Not only does it relate to an ethnic group, but also to linguistic and cultural groups as well.
Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Gaulish all make up the Celts. The Irish people are from the island of Ireland. The Scottish people from Scotland. The Welsh people from Wales. The Gaulish people from other areas of Western Europe — namely France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany. Although it was said specifically of the Irish, it is true for any of these people, "Many notable cultural divides exist between the rural people and city dwellers, between the Catholic and Protestant people of Northern Ireland, between the Irish-speaking people inside and outside the Gaeltacht regions and the English-speaking majority population, and increasingly between new immigrants and the native population. ("

Druids, Bards, and Faeries are even more specialized. Bards seem to be the poets and storytellers of the Celtic world. Druids would have been the priests and "learned class" of the society. Faeries are described by Wikipedia as "a type of mythological being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural."

Therefore, the first few terms are really "region specific." People who follow these paths — Irish, Scottish, Welsh, or Gaulish — all have regional differences that would have to do specifically with that area of the world. What traditions are common in Ireland, may not be exactly the same in the areas we're considering Gaul.

Differences in Druids, Bards, and Faeries are even more interesting. In addition to possible regional differences, there is a problem with the lack of records from the era. Even the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids claims that there are many types of Druids, some montotheistic, some polytheistic. (

There is really no way to determine the "correct" way to accomplish any of these paths. Too much has been lost. Too much is currently speculated. Too much is just plain not known. Those who wish to follow this path need to understand that and take what resonates with us and leave the rest.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Great Quote

"I … have to constantly balance "being a writer" with being a wife and mother. It's a matter of putting two different things first, simultaneously." Madeleine L'Engle

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Your result for The Harry Potter Husband Test...

Mrs. Lupin

You like a nice, kind guy with a bit of a fierce streak and you don't mind if he comes damaged. Sure, he may take some convincing since his self-esteem's so low, but once you win him over, you know he's yours for life. Unless of course he has an attack of "I'm not good enough" and runs away, but luckily he's also good at making friends who will push him back into line if necessary.

(Art by Gold-Seven Used with permission.)

Take The Harry Potter Husband Test at HelloQuizzy

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Questions for Celtic Pagan Women

1. How do you define
  • Paganism: A polytheistic view of the Divine
  • Witchcraft: Using magic, often in worship, always as a way of life
  • Wicca: A religion incorporating both paganism and witchcraft

2. Why are you interested in the Celtic aspects of Paganism? I have Irish ancestors, so I think that's what originally drew me to the Celtic style, but the more I learn, the more it seems "right" with me.

3. What sets apart Celtic Pagan expressions from other culturally based Pagan traditions?   First, we don't have a lot of "facts" about these people. Not much was kept from then to today. It makes it difficult to know with any degree of certainty what exactly happened. Second, I think there seems to be so much of the Celtic path that was incorporated into other traditions. Finally, there seems to be a huge resurgence of this path that we just don't see in Ancient Rome, for example.

4. What are your first reactions to these words:
  • Celtic: an ancient culture originating in what is now northern Europe
  • Wicca: an earth-based religion
  • Craft: creating something out of something else
  • Witchcraft: performing spells
  • Pagan: worshiping multiple deities
  • Faery: fun, light, playful "spirits"; they remind us to be children -- in both positive and negative ways
  • Women's Spirituality: any spirituality practiced/believed by a woman or created for women

5. What are your spiritual goals in yoru chosen path? My goal is simple: to become closer to the Divine.

6. How do you feel about the societal stratification of the Celts? Every culture has/had some sort of stratification system. It happens.

7. How do you plan to reconcile the more negative aspects of the Celtic world to your own Celtic practice? Every culture learns and grows. Every person grows. There is a bit of the negative in each of us and we learn to grow through that. I believe the same in the Celtic world. There was negativity. It would have changed by this point, just as everything else does. I will take what I need and discard the rest.

8. What do you see as the role of women in old Celtic Paganism? This is a difficult question because of the lack of historical writing from the people. I believe, though, based on the Celtic mythology, that women were more respected than in other ancient cultures. Therefore, I think women held positions and responsibilities in each of the various levels of society. I think some women were responsible for teaching, others not. I think some healed, others not.

9. What attracts you to the women's spiritual aspects of Celtic Paganism? As a woman, I feel that Celtic Paganism empowered women more than other pagan traditions.

10. What do you hope to get out of this course? I hope to receive a deeper understanding of the path I'm drawn to. I also hope to learn about myself.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Where is the "school?"

The class I'm taking can be found at

They have MANY classes to choose from. Enjoy!