Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: 5 of Chalices
This card reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son. A man in rags is begging in front of an older man, while a contemporary of the first is looking on from the doorway. The second young man has an expression of regret mixed with disdain. Chalices represent relationships and the fives are usually a conflict of some type. The LWB says this is a card of forgiveness (as exemplified by the prodigal son reference, I'm sure!). "Sincere repentance is necessary to resolve a problem." I can't think of anything I need to repent *about* in any project, or study, or even my work.
I'm leaning toward this card meaning I need to forgive myself. Not be so hard on me. I'm not perfect and really need to remember that.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Today's Question: Who/What are my ancient roots?
Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: Ace of Pentacles
This card shows two people working together to pour something (grain? barley? coins?) into a large sack while a third person stands and watches. A field is in the background. This is a card of abundance. I obviously had enough in my ancient roots. The LWB advises "incline the mind to exchange material goods and ideas, but don't show excessive interest."
Card: Ace of Pentacles
This card shows two people working together to pour something (grain? barley? coins?) into a large sack while a third person stands and watches. A field is in the background. This is a card of abundance. I obviously had enough in my ancient roots. The LWB advises "incline the mind to exchange material goods and ideas, but don't show excessive interest."
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Today's Question: What is my path to practical mastery?
Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: 3 of Pentacles
This card shows a man with a chart and a "pointer stick." He's obviously teaching. There is a group of musicians in the background. Are they learning? Have they already mastered this lesson? Is it not their lesson to learn? I think this card is telling me that I need to take the time to study and not worry where other people are on their journey. This is my journey and no one can travel it for me. LWB says this is a card of promotion. "Sometimes you have to show off ridiculously to make your true abilities known."
Card: 3 of Pentacles
This card shows a man with a chart and a "pointer stick." He's obviously teaching. There is a group of musicians in the background. Are they learning? Have they already mastered this lesson? Is it not their lesson to learn? I think this card is telling me that I need to take the time to study and not worry where other people are on their journey. This is my journey and no one can travel it for me. LWB says this is a card of promotion. "Sometimes you have to show off ridiculously to make your true abilities known."
Monday, March 10, 2008
Today's Question: How can I create equilibrium between what I need and what I want?
Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: Death
Here we have a mostly-naked woman standing on a pillow with the skeleton of a man "worshiping" her. This is a card of change. I need to KNOW what I want and make *my* needs and wants a priority over the needs and wants of others.
Card: Death
Here we have a mostly-naked woman standing on a pillow with the skeleton of a man "worshiping" her. This is a card of change. I need to KNOW what I want and make *my* needs and wants a priority over the needs and wants of others.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
This is part of an e-mail I wrote to someone who wondered what Christian Witchcraft could possible be.
Define witchcraft? Turning water into wine? Raising the dead? Casting out demons? Feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish? (You get my point!) Each of those miracles could have been witchcraft. Asking a Saint for help, to me, is no different than asking a Goddess. People perform candle magic every year when they make a wish before blowing out their birthday candles, or light a candle when they're praying for someone. They just don't think of it that way. Same thing goes for the "wise women" of old, right? The local midwife was certainly a green witch in practice, whether she "believed" that or not.
Overall, I guess I just don't hide that I perform spells. I embrace the idea/fact of a feminine energy that exists and helped to create the Universe.
Please share your thoughts.
Define witchcraft? Turning water into wine? Raising the dead? Casting out demons? Feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish? (You get my point!) Each of those miracles could have been witchcraft. Asking a Saint for help, to me, is no different than asking a Goddess. People perform candle magic every year when they make a wish before blowing out their birthday candles, or light a candle when they're praying for someone. They just don't think of it that way. Same thing goes for the "wise women" of old, right? The local midwife was certainly a green witch in practice, whether she "believed" that or not.
Overall, I guess I just don't hide that I perform spells. I embrace the idea/fact of a feminine energy that exists and helped to create the Universe.
Please share your thoughts.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Today's Question: What is it that I need to hold close to my heart?
Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: 6 of Wands
I drew this same card the other day. Interesting. The card itself hasn't changed, so I must either need it's lesson or the card answers todays question as well. As I said before, this is a card of obstacles. I'm going to assume this means I maybe need to keep my problems to myself right now. Keep my obstacles where they won't bother others.
Card: 6 of Wands
I drew this same card the other day. Interesting. The card itself hasn't changed, so I must either need it's lesson or the card answers todays question as well. As I said before, this is a card of obstacles. I'm going to assume this means I maybe need to keep my problems to myself right now. Keep my obstacles where they won't bother others.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Today's Question: Who will assist me in the success of my endeavors?
Deck: Medieval Tarot
Card: 3 of Swords
This card shows a wealthy, learned man with a compass (not a navigational one, a geometry one) and a book. There's a "perfect circle" on the tile floor. The card means calculation. "Set aside feelings and act as rationally as possible," says the LWB. There is someone out there ready to assist me, but I need to approach my endeavors logically and rationally, not with emotions.
Card: 3 of Swords
This card shows a wealthy, learned man with a compass (not a navigational one, a geometry one) and a book. There's a "perfect circle" on the tile floor. The card means calculation. "Set aside feelings and act as rationally as possible," says the LWB. There is someone out there ready to assist me, but I need to approach my endeavors logically and rationally, not with emotions.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Celtic Goddess paper
For a goddess, I selected Brigid. A LOT has been written about her and I will only touch on some of what I found.
As the Goddess of Fire, Brigid is found in the home and hearth, she is also to be called on for inspiration and creativity. All of these aspects are important to me because I’m a mother, I work from my home (so I’m always here and cooking!), and I am a creative (as well as “crafty”) person. In addition, Brigid is the goddess of poetry ( and I am an unpublished novelist — yet another way Brigid does and is working in my life. To put it another way, Brigid is responsible for the Fire of the Hearth; the Fire of the Forge; and the Fire of Inspiration (
Lore about this goddess is abundant. It is believed that when Christianity overtook the Celtic lands, the Christians “converted” Brigid into St. Brigit. The goddess’s cross, which could have originally been a pagan sunwheel ( became a cross dedicated to Christ, allowing the ancient people to still safely practice and hold their beliefs.
With her “mother” aspect, Brigid is the goddess associated with Imbolic, the bringing of Spring. This “birthing” of the land is her responsibility. As the goddess of fertility, this is a perfect role for her.
One of the things I found the most fascinating about her, though, was the idea that Brigid had two sisters — also named Brigid. Together these three symbolize the Celtic Triple Goddess ( One datasheet I found online put it this way:
Brighid - a poetess, daughter of the Dagda. She is the female sage, woman of wisdom, or Brighid the Goddess whom poets venerated because very great and famous for her protecting care. She was therefore called 'Goddess of the Poets'. Her sisters were Brighid the female physician, and Brighid the female smith; among all Irishmen, a goddess was called 'Brighid'. Brighid is from breo-aigit or 'fiery arrow'. (
Brigid, in my opinion, is an amazing Goddess and I feel very drawn to her because of the “fires” she represents. There is so much information out there about her, though, that narrowing it down for this paper was difficult and I plan to spend more time studying her in the future.
As the Goddess of Fire, Brigid is found in the home and hearth, she is also to be called on for inspiration and creativity. All of these aspects are important to me because I’m a mother, I work from my home (so I’m always here and cooking!), and I am a creative (as well as “crafty”) person. In addition, Brigid is the goddess of poetry ( and I am an unpublished novelist — yet another way Brigid does and is working in my life. To put it another way, Brigid is responsible for the Fire of the Hearth; the Fire of the Forge; and the Fire of Inspiration (
Lore about this goddess is abundant. It is believed that when Christianity overtook the Celtic lands, the Christians “converted” Brigid into St. Brigit. The goddess’s cross, which could have originally been a pagan sunwheel ( became a cross dedicated to Christ, allowing the ancient people to still safely practice and hold their beliefs.
With her “mother” aspect, Brigid is the goddess associated with Imbolic, the bringing of Spring. This “birthing” of the land is her responsibility. As the goddess of fertility, this is a perfect role for her.
One of the things I found the most fascinating about her, though, was the idea that Brigid had two sisters — also named Brigid. Together these three symbolize the Celtic Triple Goddess ( One datasheet I found online put it this way:
Brighid - a poetess, daughter of the Dagda. She is the female sage, woman of wisdom, or Brighid the Goddess whom poets venerated because very great and famous for her protecting care. She was therefore called 'Goddess of the Poets'. Her sisters were Brighid the female physician, and Brighid the female smith; among all Irishmen, a goddess was called 'Brighid'. Brighid is from breo-aigit or 'fiery arrow'. (
Brigid, in my opinion, is an amazing Goddess and I feel very drawn to her because of the “fires” she represents. There is so much information out there about her, though, that narrowing it down for this paper was difficult and I plan to spend more time studying her in the future.
Celtic God paper
The god I chose to learn about for this assignment is Oscar. I chose him because I actually named my dog after him. (I hope that’s OK, since he wasn’t one you had listed on the “Gods” page.)
According to, Oscar is the son of Oisin, and grandson of Fionn mac Cumhaill. As a child, Oscar was excluded and other Fianna refused to take him on their adventures. The web site goes on to say, though, that Oscar “becomes a focus for the idealization of storytellers; he is consistently the bravest, the most stalwart, the most frequently victorious. If a warrior is called for a single combat with a fearsome challenger, Oscar most readily serves.” ( The Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture claims that Oscar was one of the most important warriors of the Finn Cycle and adds that in Works of Ossain, Oscar is listed as the son of an aged poet ( =PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=celtic+oskar&source=web&ots=HlOvIjDqVf&sig=MwFB7pnzMtnCCYAXHrM6EorDWsw). goes on to state that Oscar accomplished the following tasks:
The slain hero is then buried under a cairn at Benn Étair. In the Christianized story of the Fianna’s escape from hell, Oscar is the critical player, wielding an unbreakable thong so that his comrades can break free. Also, Oisín tells St Patrick in The Colloquy of the Elders that “only God can defeat Oscar.”
I couldn’t find any correspondences for Oscar, but did manage to think of some that hold significance for me. For an animal, I chose the deer. Although I looked and looked, I couldn’t find the exact page, but I know The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths and Cultures lists Oscar as a great deer hunter. Since does suggest that Oscar may have originally been an alternative form for Oisin (which means “little deer”) that may well be. I would also have Oscar be a god of humor, since he supposedly died with a joke on his lips, “provoking Fionn to weep as he does at no other point in the Cycle,” according to
According to, Oscar is the son of Oisin, and grandson of Fionn mac Cumhaill. As a child, Oscar was excluded and other Fianna refused to take him on their adventures. The web site goes on to say, though, that Oscar “becomes a focus for the idealization of storytellers; he is consistently the bravest, the most stalwart, the most frequently victorious. If a warrior is called for a single combat with a fearsome challenger, Oscar most readily serves.” ( The Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture claims that Oscar was one of the most important warriors of the Finn Cycle and adds that in Works of Ossain, Oscar is listed as the son of an aged poet ( =PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=celtic+oskar&source=web&ots=HlOvIjDqVf&sig=MwFB7pnzMtnCCYAXHrM6EorDWsw). goes on to state that Oscar accomplished the following tasks:
- He wrestles with Goll mac Morna to establish himself as the strongest of all the Fianna.
- He engages in overseas adventures accompanied by Labraid Lámderg [red hand].
- In Tóraighecht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne [The Pursuit of Diarmait and Gráinne], Oscar sympathizes with the fugitive lovers against his grandfather. Étaín is Oscar’s usual consort, although he is a pale lover compared to Diarmait.
- Oscar’s climactic moment in the Cycle comes in Cath Gabhra [The Battle of Gabhair/Gowra], when he mortally wounds the hated Cairbre Lifechair, whose dying act is to thrust a spear through Oscar’s heart. (
The slain hero is then buried under a cairn at Benn Étair. In the Christianized story of the Fianna’s escape from hell, Oscar is the critical player, wielding an unbreakable thong so that his comrades can break free. Also, Oisín tells St Patrick in The Colloquy of the Elders that “only God can defeat Oscar.”
I couldn’t find any correspondences for Oscar, but did manage to think of some that hold significance for me. For an animal, I chose the deer. Although I looked and looked, I couldn’t find the exact page, but I know The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths and Cultures lists Oscar as a great deer hunter. Since does suggest that Oscar may have originally been an alternative form for Oisin (which means “little deer”) that may well be. I would also have Oscar be a god of humor, since he supposedly died with a joke on his lips, “provoking Fionn to weep as he does at no other point in the Cycle,” according to
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Today's Question: What do I need to let go off in order to maintain my balance?

Card: 8 of Chalices
A wealthy man seems to be pulling on a stubborn pig/hog/boar. The man looks frustrated and the pig looks pissed. This card means effort. "Those who insist on casting pearls before swine will be left empty-handed." I need to determine where my swine is. What is it that I'm beating my head against a wall with? For one, my daughter's choice in friends. I need to let that go. They're her friends, and I can only "control" her. (For the record, they're good kids, I just don't care for the ditzy-ness of one and that one seems to rub off on my daughter.)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Today's Question: What will promise me financial gain?

Card: 6 of Wands
This card shows a worried young man pointing to a broken bridge. His friend/companion places a hand on the first young man's shoulder as if to say "Dude, it will all be ok." This is a card of obstacles. The LWB says "some problems must be solved at the root, or should be avoided all together." First thing I think of is "money is the root of all evil." I'm taking this card to be a reminder that material possessions aren't all that and I need to focus my energies on OTHER types of gain.
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