Oracle Card: Clear and Shield Your Energy Meaning: Eliminate clutter (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Four of Swords Meaning: Isolation (from the Celtic Tarot)
Today's Rune: Jera Meaning: Harvest
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Drink More Water Meaning: Take time to cleanse (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Eight of Flames Meaning: Transformation and success (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Thursiaz Meaning: Gateway
Tarot Card: Eight of Flames Meaning: Transformation and success (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Thursiaz Meaning: Gateway
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Patronage of Mother Mary
From the Magical Circle School site:
Acadians; Africa (declared by Cardinal Lavigerie in 1876); against epidemics; against flooding; against lightning; against storms; archdiocese of Agra, India' air crews; aircraft pilots; Alabama; Alaska; Albania; diocese of Albany, New York; Alezio, Italy; Algeria; AlmerÃa, Spain; diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Americas; Andorra; Andorran security forces; Angola (21 Novemer 1984); Arabia; Argentina; Argentinian Air Force; Argentinian Army; Argentinian military chaplains; Arizona; Arkansas; diocese of Armidale, Australia; armies of Jalisco; Army of the Andes; archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia; diocese of Austin, Texas; Australia; Australian military chaplains; Austria; aviators Barcelona, Spain; diocese of Balanga, Philippines; archdiocese of Baltimore Maryland; Barletta, Italy; diocese of Bathurst, Canada; Belgian air crews; Belgium; diocese of Belleville, Illinois; bicycle riders; bicyclists; bikers; Bilbao, Spain; archdiocese of Birmingham, England; diocese of Bismark North Dakota; blood donors; boatmen; bodily ills; Bolivia; Bolivian navy; Bolzano, Italy; Brazil; diocese of Brooklyn, New York; builders; diocese of Burlington, Vermont Cajuns; diocese of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; California; diocese of Camden New Jersey; Canada; Catemaco Veracruz Mexico; Central Africa; Central America; Ceylon; diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina; Chartres, France; diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming; archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois; childbirth; Chile; Chilean army; Chilean navy; China; diocese of Chittagong, Bangladesh; Cistercian Order; clothworkers; coffee house keepers; coffee house owners; archdiocese of Cologne, Germany; Colombia; Colorado; diocese of Colorado Springs Colorado; Connecticut; construction workers; cooks; coopers; diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas; Corsica; Costa Rica; diocese of Crookston Minnesota; Cuba; Curinga, Italy; cyclists Delaware; archdiocese of Denver, Colorado; diocese of Des Moines, Iowa; archdiocese of Dhaka, Bangladesh; distillers; District of Columbia; diocese of Dodge City, Kansas; Dominican Republic; Donostia, Spain; drapers; diocese of Duluth, Minnesota Ecuador; Ecuadorian Army; El Salvador (10 October 1966); diocese of Elphin, Ireland; England; enlightenment; Enna, Sicily; epidemics; Equatorial Guinea (25 May 1986); diocese of Essen, Germany; Estremadura, Spain; diocese of Evansville Indiana; Extremadura, Spain; Exeter College, Oxford diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts; diocese of Fargo North Dakota; fish dealers; fishermen; fishmongers; flooding; Florida; flyers; Foligno, Italy; Forli, Italy; diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Indiana; France; archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany; French air crews diocese of Gallup, New Mexico; diocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas; diocese of Gaylord, Michigan; Georgia; Germany; Gibraltar; goldsmiths; Granada, Spain; diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska; Greece; diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania; archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico; Guam; Guatemala Haiti; archdiocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; harness makers; Hawaii; Holsbeek, Belgium; Hondarribia, Spain; Honduras; diocese of Honolulu Hawaii; human race; Hungary Idaho; diocese of Imus, Philippines; India; Indiana; Iowa; Ireland; prelature of Isabela de Basilian, Philippines; Ispica, Sicily; Italy Jamaica; Japan; diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri; diocese of Johannesburg, South Africa; apostolic vicariate of Jolo, Philippines Kansas; archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas; diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, Missouri; Kea Island Greece; diocese of Keimoes-Upington, South Africa; Kentucky; diocese of Khulna, Bangladesh; Korea; Kretinga, Lithuania diocese of Lafayette, Indiana; diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana; lamp makers; diocese of Lancaster, England; diocese of Lansing, Michigan; diocese of Laoag, Philippines Lebanon; diocese of Leeds, England; diocese of Legazpi, Philippines; Lesotho; lightning; diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska; Louisiana; Luxembourg Maine; Malaga, Spain; diocese of Malolos, Philippines; mariners; Maryland; Massachusetts; Merizo, Guam; Messina, Italy; Mesocco, Switzerland; diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey; Mexico; archdiocese of Miami, Florida; Michigan; diocese of Middlesbrough, England; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama; Montana; diocese of Monterey California; motherhood; motorcyclists; Mqabba, Malta diocese of Nashville Tennessee; navigators; Nebraska; needle makers; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; archdiocese of New Orleans Louisiana; city of New Orleans Louisiana; diocese of New Ulm Minnesota; New York; New Zealand; news dealers; Nicaragua; Nigeria; North Carolina; North Dakota; nuns Oaxaca, Mexico; Obado Bulacan, Phillipines; Oblate Vocations; Oceania; diocese of Ogdensburg, New York; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; diocese of Orlando, Florida; eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronites; diocese of Oudtshoorn, South Africa; archdiocese of Ozamiz, Philippines diocese of Palm Beach, Florida; Panama; Paraguay; Pasig, Philippines; Pennsylvania; diocese of Peoria, Illinois; Pergamino, Agentina; Petit Goave, Haiti; archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Phillipines; military ordinariate of the Philippines; diocese of Phoenix Arizona; pin makers; diocese of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; Poland; diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa; diocese of Portland Maine; archdiocese of Portland Oregon; Portugal; potters; diocese of Providence Rhode Island; diocese of Pueblo Colorado; Puerto Rico; Puerto Vallarta Mexico Racalmuto, Sicily; Ragalna, Sicily; Reggio Calabria, Italy; diocese of Reno, Nevada; restauranteurs; Rhode Island; ribbon makers; diocese of Rockford, Illinois diocese of Sacramento, California; sailors; diocese of Salina, Kansas; diocese of San Fernando, Philippines; apostolic vicariate of San Jose, Philippines; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; diocese of Savannah, Georgia; Savona Italy; archdiocese of Seattle, Washington; diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana; silk workers; silversmiths; diocese of Sioux City, Iowa; Skiathos Island, Greece; Slovakia; soldiers of the United States; South Africa (15 March 1952); South Carolina; South Dakota; Spain; Spanish air crews; Spanish architects; Spanish police officers; diocese of Spokane. Washington; diocese of Springfield, Illinois; Sri Lanka; diocese of Steubenville, Ohio; storms; Switzerland; diocese of Syracuse, New York Tanzania (8 December 1964); tapestry workers; Tennessee; Teutonic Knights; Texas; tile makers; Toa Alto, Puerto Rico; diocese of Townsville, Australia; Trapani, Sicily; travellers; diocese of Trenton, New Jersey; Tunisia; Tuscany, Italy; diocese of Tyler, Texas Uganda; diocese of Umtata, South Africa; United States; upholsterers; Uruguay; Utah Valencia; eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona; Venezuela; Venezuelan National Guard; diocese of Venice, Florida; Vermont; Viet Nam; diocese of Virac, Philippines; Virginia; virgins Washington; watermen; West Virginia; diocese of Winona, Minnesota; Wisconsin; diocese of Wichita, Kansas; Wyoming yachtsmen Zacatecas, Mexico; archdiocese of Zamboanga, Philippines; Zamboanga City, Philippines
Acadians; Africa (declared by Cardinal Lavigerie in 1876); against epidemics; against flooding; against lightning; against storms; archdiocese of Agra, India' air crews; aircraft pilots; Alabama; Alaska; Albania; diocese of Albany, New York; Alezio, Italy; Algeria; AlmerÃa, Spain; diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Americas; Andorra; Andorran security forces; Angola (21 Novemer 1984); Arabia; Argentina; Argentinian Air Force; Argentinian Army; Argentinian military chaplains; Arizona; Arkansas; diocese of Armidale, Australia; armies of Jalisco; Army of the Andes; archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia; diocese of Austin, Texas; Australia; Australian military chaplains; Austria; aviators Barcelona, Spain; diocese of Balanga, Philippines; archdiocese of Baltimore Maryland; Barletta, Italy; diocese of Bathurst, Canada; Belgian air crews; Belgium; diocese of Belleville, Illinois; bicycle riders; bicyclists; bikers; Bilbao, Spain; archdiocese of Birmingham, England; diocese of Bismark North Dakota; blood donors; boatmen; bodily ills; Bolivia; Bolivian navy; Bolzano, Italy; Brazil; diocese of Brooklyn, New York; builders; diocese of Burlington, Vermont Cajuns; diocese of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; California; diocese of Camden New Jersey; Canada; Catemaco Veracruz Mexico; Central Africa; Central America; Ceylon; diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina; Chartres, France; diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming; archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois; childbirth; Chile; Chilean army; Chilean navy; China; diocese of Chittagong, Bangladesh; Cistercian Order; clothworkers; coffee house keepers; coffee house owners; archdiocese of Cologne, Germany; Colombia; Colorado; diocese of Colorado Springs Colorado; Connecticut; construction workers; cooks; coopers; diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas; Corsica; Costa Rica; diocese of Crookston Minnesota; Cuba; Curinga, Italy; cyclists Delaware; archdiocese of Denver, Colorado; diocese of Des Moines, Iowa; archdiocese of Dhaka, Bangladesh; distillers; District of Columbia; diocese of Dodge City, Kansas; Dominican Republic; Donostia, Spain; drapers; diocese of Duluth, Minnesota Ecuador; Ecuadorian Army; El Salvador (10 October 1966); diocese of Elphin, Ireland; England; enlightenment; Enna, Sicily; epidemics; Equatorial Guinea (25 May 1986); diocese of Essen, Germany; Estremadura, Spain; diocese of Evansville Indiana; Extremadura, Spain; Exeter College, Oxford diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts; diocese of Fargo North Dakota; fish dealers; fishermen; fishmongers; flooding; Florida; flyers; Foligno, Italy; Forli, Italy; diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Indiana; France; archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany; French air crews diocese of Gallup, New Mexico; diocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas; diocese of Gaylord, Michigan; Georgia; Germany; Gibraltar; goldsmiths; Granada, Spain; diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska; Greece; diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania; archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico; Guam; Guatemala Haiti; archdiocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; harness makers; Hawaii; Holsbeek, Belgium; Hondarribia, Spain; Honduras; diocese of Honolulu Hawaii; human race; Hungary Idaho; diocese of Imus, Philippines; India; Indiana; Iowa; Ireland; prelature of Isabela de Basilian, Philippines; Ispica, Sicily; Italy Jamaica; Japan; diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri; diocese of Johannesburg, South Africa; apostolic vicariate of Jolo, Philippines Kansas; archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas; diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, Missouri; Kea Island Greece; diocese of Keimoes-Upington, South Africa; Kentucky; diocese of Khulna, Bangladesh; Korea; Kretinga, Lithuania diocese of Lafayette, Indiana; diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana; lamp makers; diocese of Lancaster, England; diocese of Lansing, Michigan; diocese of Laoag, Philippines Lebanon; diocese of Leeds, England; diocese of Legazpi, Philippines; Lesotho; lightning; diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska; Louisiana; Luxembourg Maine; Malaga, Spain; diocese of Malolos, Philippines; mariners; Maryland; Massachusetts; Merizo, Guam; Messina, Italy; Mesocco, Switzerland; diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey; Mexico; archdiocese of Miami, Florida; Michigan; diocese of Middlesbrough, England; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama; Montana; diocese of Monterey California; motherhood; motorcyclists; Mqabba, Malta diocese of Nashville Tennessee; navigators; Nebraska; needle makers; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; archdiocese of New Orleans Louisiana; city of New Orleans Louisiana; diocese of New Ulm Minnesota; New York; New Zealand; news dealers; Nicaragua; Nigeria; North Carolina; North Dakota; nuns Oaxaca, Mexico; Obado Bulacan, Phillipines; Oblate Vocations; Oceania; diocese of Ogdensburg, New York; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; diocese of Orlando, Florida; eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronites; diocese of Oudtshoorn, South Africa; archdiocese of Ozamiz, Philippines diocese of Palm Beach, Florida; Panama; Paraguay; Pasig, Philippines; Pennsylvania; diocese of Peoria, Illinois; Pergamino, Agentina; Petit Goave, Haiti; archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Phillipines; military ordinariate of the Philippines; diocese of Phoenix Arizona; pin makers; diocese of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; Poland; diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa; diocese of Portland Maine; archdiocese of Portland Oregon; Portugal; potters; diocese of Providence Rhode Island; diocese of Pueblo Colorado; Puerto Rico; Puerto Vallarta Mexico Racalmuto, Sicily; Ragalna, Sicily; Reggio Calabria, Italy; diocese of Reno, Nevada; restauranteurs; Rhode Island; ribbon makers; diocese of Rockford, Illinois diocese of Sacramento, California; sailors; diocese of Salina, Kansas; diocese of San Fernando, Philippines; apostolic vicariate of San Jose, Philippines; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; diocese of Savannah, Georgia; Savona Italy; archdiocese of Seattle, Washington; diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana; silk workers; silversmiths; diocese of Sioux City, Iowa; Skiathos Island, Greece; Slovakia; soldiers of the United States; South Africa (15 March 1952); South Carolina; South Dakota; Spain; Spanish air crews; Spanish architects; Spanish police officers; diocese of Spokane. Washington; diocese of Springfield, Illinois; Sri Lanka; diocese of Steubenville, Ohio; storms; Switzerland; diocese of Syracuse, New York Tanzania (8 December 1964); tapestry workers; Tennessee; Teutonic Knights; Texas; tile makers; Toa Alto, Puerto Rico; diocese of Townsville, Australia; Trapani, Sicily; travellers; diocese of Trenton, New Jersey; Tunisia; Tuscany, Italy; diocese of Tyler, Texas Uganda; diocese of Umtata, South Africa; United States; upholsterers; Uruguay; Utah Valencia; eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona; Venezuela; Venezuelan National Guard; diocese of Venice, Florida; Vermont; Viet Nam; diocese of Virac, Philippines; Virginia; virgins Washington; watermen; West Virginia; diocese of Winona, Minnesota; Wisconsin; diocese of Wichita, Kansas; Wyoming yachtsmen Zacatecas, Mexico; archdiocese of Zamboanga, Philippines; Zamboanga City, Philippines
Mother Mary's corrispondences
Flower or Herb: Lily. It means purity.
Colors: Dark blue. I don't have a "reason" for this, other than many of the paintings done picture her in a dark blue cloak.
Animal: A lamb. According to, a lamb symbolizes patience under suffering. How much more suffering can there be then watching your child cruixified? In addition, there are references to Jesus being the "Lamb of God" (Rev. 5:11-12).
Stone or Gem: Turquoise. According to the Illustrated Book of Crystals, turquoise unites the energy of the Earth and the Sky.
Colors: Dark blue. I don't have a "reason" for this, other than many of the paintings done picture her in a dark blue cloak.
Animal: A lamb. According to, a lamb symbolizes patience under suffering. How much more suffering can there be then watching your child cruixified? In addition, there are references to Jesus being the "Lamb of God" (Rev. 5:11-12).
Stone or Gem: Turquoise. According to the Illustrated Book of Crystals, turquoise unites the energy of the Earth and the Sky.
Prayer to Mother Mary
Mother Mary, you are the Goddess of Chirstianity. Help me to love my children in the way you loved yours -- disagreeing with their paths, yet supporting them as they walked. I ask for your strength and your compassion.
This is my wish. So mote it be.
This is my wish. So mote it be.
Mother Mary the Goddess
Mother Mary is the triple Goddess. Her maiden aspect is as the teenage mother of Jesus. Her mother aspect continues throughout his life and into his death. She then spent the rest of her life in the crone stage. A virgin birth, by the way, is in many other Goddess legends.
I have never "worshiped" her as others may have, although I believe Mother Mary is a powerful spiritual diety who can answer prayers and bring about healing. Fortunately, I have never needed to call upon her assistance there. Should the need arise, though, you can bet I will!
During my research, I learned Mother Mary can be called upon for almost anything, including each of the states I've ever traveled to and just about every occupation there is. She acts as an interrsor -- much like I believe Jesus to. I plan to ask for her help in prayers and rituals whenever she crosses my mind. I also plan to use incense of frankensince or mirh when communing with her. In addtion, I want to eventually create something similar to a Catholic rosary to use with Mother Mary and other Goddesses who touch my spirit that deeply.
I have never "worshiped" her as others may have, although I believe Mother Mary is a powerful spiritual diety who can answer prayers and bring about healing. Fortunately, I have never needed to call upon her assistance there. Should the need arise, though, you can bet I will!
During my research, I learned Mother Mary can be called upon for almost anything, including each of the states I've ever traveled to and just about every occupation there is. She acts as an interrsor -- much like I believe Jesus to. I plan to ask for her help in prayers and rituals whenever she crosses my mind. I also plan to use incense of frankensince or mirh when communing with her. In addtion, I want to eventually create something similar to a Catholic rosary to use with Mother Mary and other Goddesses who touch my spirit that deeply.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Flow of Prosperity Meaning: Stop worrying about money (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: The Witch Meaning: Determination (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Sewelu Meaning: Self Knowledge
Tarot Card: The Witch Meaning: Determination (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Sewelu Meaning: Self Knowledge
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Let it Go Meaning: Have compassion for yourself (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Goddess of Boulders Meaning: Security, money, mother, teacher (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Laguz Meaning: Healing, power of renewal
Tarot Card: Goddess of Boulders Meaning: Security, money, mother, teacher (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Laguz Meaning: Healing, power of renewal
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
What form is my Patronus? (Harry Potter quiz!)
What Form Would Your Patronus Take? (With 10 Excellent Results & Pictures)
Your Patronus would be an Eagle!
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Nurture Yourself Meaning: Honor your inner voice (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Five of Cauldrons Meaning: Beauty, enthusiasm, precious gift (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Gebo Meaning: partnership, gifts of the Goddess, blessings
Tarot Card: Five of Cauldrons Meaning: Beauty, enthusiasm, precious gift (from the Witchy Tarot)
Today's Rune: Gebo Meaning: partnership, gifts of the Goddess, blessings
Monday, August 13, 2007
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Focus Upon Your Strengths Meaning: Do things to love and heal yourself (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Ten of Wands Meaning: Renewing of a spiritual calling (from the Celestial Tarot)
Today's Rune: Laguz Meaning: Healing powers of renewal
Tarot Card: Ten of Wands Meaning: Renewing of a spiritual calling (from the Celestial Tarot)
Today's Rune: Laguz Meaning: Healing powers of renewal
Sunday, August 12, 2007
God/Goddess -vs- Lord/Lady
I've been having trouble with the God/Goddess desingation. I was raised to believe there is one true God, so how can there be lesser gods? After much thought, I think I've finally come to terms with it.
Let's take the "one God" idea first. OK, so the commandment says "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3 & Deuteronomy 5:7). Does that mean there are no other gods? I don't think so. Today we take that line to mean that we shouldn't put work or money before God. But what if it means that there are other GODS and that the God of King David is the TRUE GOD? The HEAD GOD and we should remember that? Doesn't that seem more reasonable then a bunch of Egyptian slaves valued work more than worship?
Ok, so I got that line out of the way. Now where does that leave those lesser gods? I have decided to call them Lords and Ladies. I can't bring myself to call them God. I think there is ONE worthy of that title. The Divine. The Head God, so to speak. I have no problems asking a Saint or Angel for assistance, and I believe that the lesser Gods and Goddesses are helpers in that same way, but I can't bring myself to call on Goddess Frigg! I can, however, ask Lady Frigg for assistance!
I realize that it's a matter of symantics. What meaning do I give to the word Goddess? What meaning do I give to the word Lady? I also know that the Divine knows my heart, my intentions. By using Lord and Lady for the lesser Gods and Goddesses, I'm still giving them the respect for what is within their authority, while at the same time giving the Divine all the credit, respect and admiration of the one in charge.
Let's take the "one God" idea first. OK, so the commandment says "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3 & Deuteronomy 5:7). Does that mean there are no other gods? I don't think so. Today we take that line to mean that we shouldn't put work or money before God. But what if it means that there are other GODS and that the God of King David is the TRUE GOD? The HEAD GOD and we should remember that? Doesn't that seem more reasonable then a bunch of Egyptian slaves valued work more than worship?
Ok, so I got that line out of the way. Now where does that leave those lesser gods? I have decided to call them Lords and Ladies. I can't bring myself to call them God. I think there is ONE worthy of that title. The Divine. The Head God, so to speak. I have no problems asking a Saint or Angel for assistance, and I believe that the lesser Gods and Goddesses are helpers in that same way, but I can't bring myself to call on Goddess Frigg! I can, however, ask Lady Frigg for assistance!
I realize that it's a matter of symantics. What meaning do I give to the word Goddess? What meaning do I give to the word Lady? I also know that the Divine knows my heart, my intentions. By using Lord and Lady for the lesser Gods and Goddesses, I'm still giving them the respect for what is within their authority, while at the same time giving the Divine all the credit, respect and admiration of the one in charge.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Christian Witch Course Week #7
I know I haven't been as faithful in these studies as I should. In my defense, it's summer and I haven't been faithful to any studies lately.
This week's Christian Witch Course lesson focued on how certain books became a part of the Bible. Isn't it interesting how many items — things we take for certain as the word of God — were touched by man first? So much is determined on our understanding of the Divine message. How unique...
How long did the Apostols think Jesus would return in their lifetimes? At least 30 years. (I Thessalonians 4:15-17; I Corinthians 15:51-52)
And St. Paul didn't believe he was starting a NEW religion! He thought he was suplementing the Jewish faith!
How much have we lost because of human interpetation? How much have we lost because we didn't really listen to God?
This week's Christian Witch Course lesson focued on how certain books became a part of the Bible. Isn't it interesting how many items — things we take for certain as the word of God — were touched by man first? So much is determined on our understanding of the Divine message. How unique...
How long did the Apostols think Jesus would return in their lifetimes? At least 30 years. (I Thessalonians 4:15-17; I Corinthians 15:51-52)
And St. Paul didn't believe he was starting a NEW religion! He thought he was suplementing the Jewish faith!
How much have we lost because of human interpetation? How much have we lost because we didn't really listen to God?
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Spiritual Law of Attraction Meaning: Visualize and affirm only what you desire (from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck)
Tarot Card: Eight of Swords Meaning: Trapped by ones own bindings (from the Whimsical Tarot)
Today's Rune: Wunjo Meaning: harmony, prosperity
Tarot Card: Eight of Swords Meaning: Trapped by ones own bindings (from the Whimsical Tarot)
Today's Rune: Wunjo Meaning: harmony, prosperity
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My Cerridwen Project

This Goddess is a "Goddess of family." One of her symbols is a cauldron. I had planned to cook a meal for *my* family in her honor, but my loving husband does much of the cooking (read BBQing) this time of year.
So instead, I created some "kitchen items." This apron is for an exchange I'm doing, but won't honor Cerridwen any less.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
My Arianrhod Project
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Beauty Chant
I'm a lucky woman, and I know I'm a lucky woman. My husband and daughter both think I'm beautiful. Unfortunately, I don't see what they do. I will be doing a spell using the following chant so that I may see what they do. The chant is from The Pocket Spell Creator
Oh God(dess),
Help me to see
The beauty which resides within me.
Bring this beauty out of its shell
To the surface where it may dwell.
This is my wish, so mote it be.
I plan to make some bath salts and light a candle to go with it.
Oh God(dess),
Help me to see
The beauty which resides within me.
Bring this beauty out of its shell
To the surface where it may dwell.
This is my wish, so mote it be.
I plan to make some bath salts and light a candle to go with it.
My Freya Project
Today's Cards
Oracle Card: Beatrix II Meaning: Right choices for the future (from the Voices of the Saints)
Tarot Card: Four of Pentacles Meaning: Saving money, attachment to personal possessions (from the Tarot of the Holy Grail)
Today's Rune: Nauthiz Meaning: need and strength
Tarot Card: Four of Pentacles Meaning: Saving money, attachment to personal possessions (from the Tarot of the Holy Grail)
Today's Rune: Nauthiz Meaning: need and strength
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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