Sunday, April 15, 2007

Blessing the garden

So I've been busy.

Today was spent blessing the area where my herb garden will be. I asked the Earth Spirits to bless it and help the herbs grow. It will be a Kitchen/Culinary garden and I'm really looking forward to starting the planting. Unfortunately, I should wait another week or so to make sure the weather will hold.

I've also decided to take a class online that is in-line with my chosen path. I'm taking the Celtic and Norse Goddess course from the Magic Circle School. Started tonight and need to learn about the Holy Queen Epona and then do a "project" that relates to her. I'll also need to get a notebook or binder, I think to keep track of all this information. I also am thinking of taking an online tarot course, but who knows. I have so much on my plate right now that maybe I only need to do one class at a time.

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