Monday, March 17, 2008

Today's Question: What project, study, work should I be focusing on?

Deck: Medieval Tarot

Card: 5 of Chalices

This card reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son. A man in rags is begging in front of an older man, while a contemporary of the first is looking on from the doorway. The second young man has an expression of regret mixed with disdain. Chalices represent relationships and the fives are usually a conflict of some type. The LWB says this is a card of forgiveness (as exemplified by the prodigal son reference, I'm sure!). "Sincere repentance is necessary to resolve a problem." I can't think of anything I need to repent *about* in any project, or study, or even my work.

I'm leaning toward this card meaning I need to forgive myself. Not be so hard on me. I'm not perfect and really need to remember that.

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